Friday, April 18, 2008

Going Buggy!

I am teaming up with the very talented Daphne of serendipity*sweethearts for the upcoming RNB Launch. I have been trying to find just the right top pattern!
I rarely buy Daisy Kingdom Patterns But I have to say I loved the Bodice on this one!

Here is how it is shaping up! I love the little bugs Party. I know it does not look anything like the patern! I always have to change something!

Here is the back

Now to finish the skirt and leggings!

I also could not resist this cute pattern, I love the hat and tote!

Speaking of totes, This has to be the cutest Beach Tote I have ever seen. My Freind Meg of boutiquenutmedesigns made it for thechicks Sea Ya At The Beach Launch. You can find it here by clicking on the Launch logo!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Snoopy and Friends Casual Beachwear!

I wanted to share this Fun Snoopy and friends Casual Beach
set starting at a great price! Just click my Ebay link to visit my auctions!
Now back to work on a new set!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

TheChicks Guest launch

I have two sets listed for our Guest launch. There are so many wonderful designers make sure you click on the guest launch logo and visit all the amazing listings! You can visit all my listings by clicking on the e-bay link!

Thanks for taking a look!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Whirl Wind Weekend

What a Weekend! Let's see....... We

Did a Little Modeling

Our launch Starts Tomorrow!
Just need to finish those templates!

Did a little relaxing

Growled at Pop!

Played Some Soccer

Got a Little Windburned!
Although it was very cool we all looked
like this at the end of the day

Chassed a Ferrett out of my garage!
Not sure where he came from, but he
was on the way in my back door! The
kids got a kick seeing Mimi chasin the Ferret!

Fed Some birds

Played with some Lions! Well not really,
but we thought it would be fun to photoshop the kids in
so Mom would think they did

Saw tons of cool Animals at the Zoo

Did I say this Html dries me Nuts! LOL I can never seem to get the pictures spaced right