Friday, April 18, 2008

Going Buggy!

I am teaming up with the very talented Daphne of serendipity*sweethearts for the upcoming RNB Launch. I have been trying to find just the right top pattern!
I rarely buy Daisy Kingdom Patterns But I have to say I loved the Bodice on this one!

Here is how it is shaping up! I love the little bugs Party. I know it does not look anything like the patern! I always have to change something!

Here is the back

Now to finish the skirt and leggings!

I also could not resist this cute pattern, I love the hat and tote!

Speaking of totes, This has to be the cutest Beach Tote I have ever seen. My Freind Meg of boutiquenutmedesigns made it for thechicks Sea Ya At The Beach Launch. You can find it here by clicking on the Launch logo!


MegN said...

Thanks for featuring my tote! I think it is so much fun! Meg

Sharon said...


Me Too! I may have to bid on it!LOL