Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's Good being a Mimi!

I love being a Mimi and I love keeping my grandchildren. I had the pleasure of
keeping three of them yesterday and I was in Mimi Heaven! Now I will be honest
I love the idea of my grandchildren begging their parents to come to Mimi's House!
Here are a couple of my favorite Mimi stories:
when Andrew was about two his mom was taking a shower and had the house all secured (or so she thought she did) As she was drying off she heard "I Go To Mimi's House" Well like a good mom she wrapped her towel around her to check on Andrew, just in time to find him heading out the door repeating "I go to Mimi's House."
Needless to say Aimee gave all her neighbors quite a show chasing a determined toddler before he got to the road!
Now my oldest granddaughter Chelsea also knows how to play her "Mimi" A few years ago I get a phone call from her declaring "Mimi could you come over and bring me a Sprite, There is nothing to drink here" Of course I get in my car and head over with drinks in tow, much to Aimee's surprise!
And then we have Abi who at 3 asked her mom "Can I just go live with Mimi since she loves me so much"
Well Nathan can not speak yet but I am hoping that in about a year he will badger his mom as much as the others do to stay with Mimi!
There is nothing as wonderful as snuggling up with my sweet grand babies! yes it is GOOD to be a Mimi!
Just so you know Pop thinks they are great
too,yes I do share!

Chels is growing up to be a Doll!

These blue eyes are going to melt some hearts some day!

Abi watched Nathan for me yesterday while I
did some cooking! She did a great job!

Look What nathan can do! I can not
believe he is already 5 mths old!


Katie, Shannan, and Jamie said...

What a bunch of cuties!


Katarina said...

They are adorable!!!
I tagged you, so if you feel like it,please, come to see the "rules"
